His Dream Girl

She’s the girl of his dreams…but…

Our story continues with one of our most attractive male characters still in denial about the lady who owns his heart. Not stole it mind you, no she didn’t need to do that, she just walked in and bought it. That’s how it was and how it still is.

The problem comes in when this guy, who I shall not name because it would be a spoiler, doesn’t acknowledge the aforementioned lady.

It doesn’t seem right. 

She is that one he’s always dreamed of having.  Whether or not he ever actually admitted it (highly doubtful) but she’s that one that’s under his skin and in his head and his heart…..all of it.

And even though she has patience enough to wait, at this particular point in the story she does not know if she is in fact waiting for something special or simply sitting there talking to herself. Which she does do at times I admit.  

What can he do? 

Tell her. TELL her! Even I get frustrated with this guy and I’m the one writing the books!

It’s hard for me to sit back and watch two people who are so right for each other do absolutely nothing about making it real. Well, she has done quite a bit actually. Travelled across country and waited in a hotel room for him to contact her. Waited for days! But that’s something you have to read about in Book # 3.

Anyway, the lady in question here is his dream girl. He knows that. She’s a diamond. The Hope Diamond. More importantly HIS Hope Diamond. But….still….he doesn’t come forward.

The sound of crickets.

That’s what she’s hearing from him right now. Just crickets. And all she wants is to be with him.

What’s this big lug going to do about all of this? We’ll have to see, friends, yes, we will have to see.

Look for more about our lovers in my CounterClockwise Paranormal Romance Series book #3 and beyond. God willing by the time this series is finished this guy will have his act together and own up to the fact the he does love her.  Seems like a long, long journey for him though.  Still, we can all hope…..

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Yolanda says:

    You should be posing for these images, Nancy! They all remind me of you! LOVE this series!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nina says:

    Gorgeous image! Love is complicated. That’s for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. cheryl says:

    Agree that this pic could be you, Nancy, in cartoon form!


  4. Beautifully and aesthetically written 👏


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