We Didn’t Invent Sex

Much as we may like to think we did!

Our modern philosophy of being upfront, out there, in your face and uber-obvious about sex doesn’t mean we are any better at it and certainly not any more sex-y than those who lived before us on the planet. Not by a long shot.

It’s not only true that we didn’t invent sex in this century, or the previous century for that matter, but human beings have been quite frisky for a long time. I think it may have started in a garden somewhere.

Sex and moral codes.

Ugh. What a subject! Because as much as I am highly in favor of morality, I am not and never will be in favor of acting high and mighty and judge and jury over others. That’s why I let out that “ugh’.

In my books people are human. Not robots. They love and they feel and they show it when they do. Not all of them are worthy of trust, but, then again, are all people worthy of trust in real life? No. They are not!  

If one of my characters has sex that is outside of either marriage, or a relationship they want to lead to marriage, it’s one of two things:

1)They are really, really, pissed off at someone and want to get even. This will usually result in incredible guilt and bad feelings later on, but, they slept around in order to prove a point. Not smart but a definite steal from reality.

2)They are really, really, devious and use sex as a weapon in order to destroy someone else’s happiness, or, to give them some kind of edge as in blackmailing. Villiains they are. Every single one of them!

This is not about time periods.

You could say either one of those things listed above about a person who lives in 2016, or lived in 1950 or 1840 or 1700…….there isn’t an end here.

Some things about human nature never change. Fashion does. Quite a lot! And that fashion isn’t just about the way we dress it’s also about the way we go out into the world and what we make plain. That may have changed, but the behind closed doors happenings and the intrigue and the question of who is sleeping with who…..that remains the same century after century!


One Comment Add yours

  1. Jill says:

    I never thought people were stuffy back in the day. They didn’t have TV or radio or anything so hey what else was there to do besides fool around LOL??


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